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Peak Mountain 3

Black-Jones Direct

FA Unknown FFA Steve Jones, Carol Black 7/7/79


A steep, clean finger crack in a dihedral with a short thin section requiring tip-locks or a big reach. The walls of the corner are smooth and largely devoid of features, making for some committing stemming. At about 2/3 height, Manifest Destiny traverses into this corner and the crack widens to fists with some chockstone moves interspersed. This line doesn't seem to receive much traffic, but stays surprisingly clean.


Between POTC and Manifest Destiny on the right side of the SW face. Two cracks left of the Leaning Column on Durrance.


Finger cams (blue-orange TCU with emphasis on yellow) and stoppers. 2 #3 camalots and maybe a new #4 for the top wider bit.