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Peak Mountain 3


FA Unknown


Caravan (Orange solid line in topo) starts on the far right side of the ledge on the north overhung face of Thelonious Monk. Start with right hand on a jug and left hand about 6" left on another jug. Lift Off and do what you will to head left along incut jug crimps and then some sharper holds and more definite sequencing. Work into the corner and then around the corner for the full traverse and then top out on the east side of the prow. Very good mix of holds, intensities, and movements. Lots of full power hands and then critical feet.Not as tricky as Bluehawk but straightforward, strong, and fun!Namesake: youtube.com/watch?v=fubA9fi…


North overhung face of Thelonious Monk in The Jazz Workshop which is just 270 yds south of Lower Mount Scott.--Park at LMS and head down to the crag. Follow the wall to the south for 270 yds and pass a talus slope with vines. Continue and notice the rock size increasing and features showing up. Follow the animal trails to a cave overhang and a ramp that leads to Thelonious Monk in 5’ and then 10’ south of that rock you will see The Jazz Workshop founder, Charles Mingus.A more direct approach is to park at LMS and walk downhill to where the next guardrail starts. Count 7 posts and jump the rail. There should be a drainage culvert there. Scramble downhill and you should end up in the viney talus slope or just south of it. Continue south a few minutes and you will find The Jazz Workshop.On either approach if you look east to the lake you will see a cove with a sandbar extending from its northern shore. If that northern shore is south of you, you are north of Mingus. If it is north of you you are south of Mingus. If it is directly even with you and mount scott you’re right there.


2 pads and spotter