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Peak Mountain 3

North Shelf Traverse

FA unknown


This problem starts on the far left side of the North Shelf and traverses right for about 60 feet. V2 is the ostensible rating given in Benningfield's book, which is probably generous, but is reasonable if you get to the last finishing moves.

The problem starts with a V1 sequence on good edges with bad feet, and then eases up as you pass the tree. Depending on how contrived you make it, the next 25 feet can either be a virtual walk, or more like V0 - keep your feet off the big ledges if you want to work on a pump.

The traverse ends with a V1/V2 move with a big rock behind you - a pad or spotter is nice here.

Decent fun - and did anyone mention that the trail running past here seems to be perpetually loaded with pretty college girls?


A spotter.