- Edit (TBD)
This route is # 548 in the Mayr Guide and starts 5 to the right of the unknown .10a thats not in the guide. Like the route to the right, it is distinguished by the odd metal loops, cemented into the wall, that serve as bolt hangers. Start with a power move over the low roof; a bit harder than the similar start to the route on the left. Work the vertical face on small protrusions and pockets. Passing the second clip is tricky and constitutes the crux. The Mayr guide shows this route angling up and right to the anchor, shared with route # 549, but you might want to finish straight up, clipping the last bolt on the route to the left, and using its anchor. Otherwise, this line becomes a ground fall run-out climbing sustained 5.10 moves across the aggregate. One star due to lack of protection which also makes the line unclear. Rappel to descend.
Right side of Attitude wall.
2 bolts, bolted chain anchor