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Peak Mountain 3

The Jingoist

FA Chris Hirsch, Tony Schwartz, Taylor Lais, Aaron Stetzer, Will Busse, Fred Skemp 6/26/16


This line, as the 2nd and 3rd pitches to Junta Crack, has finally been finished. Attempted to establish all ground-up but rejected by a dead end, re-routing, and a giant flake that needed to be dealt with on rappel. A great 3 pitcher that summits at the top of Garfield.

P1) 5.9+ 65' Climb Junta Crack. All gear. Tricky placements. Two bolt, semi-hanging belay.

P2) 5.11- 65' Thin and balancy slab to a bulge pull (3 bolts). Take corner to huge roof. Traverse right and pull roof to gain cozy belay ledge.

P3) 5.9 130' Start in crack left of belay. Head up and right across face to gain next crack (thin gear). Follow this crack near to the end then step left for easy terrain to the top.


Double rack to #2, single #3 Nuts/RP's Bolted belays. Rap route with single 80m or two ropes