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Peak Mountain 3

I Hate Ticks

FA Willy Thoen


SDS. left hand on an ok edge with thumb catch, right hand on good incut hold. left foot will be sort of jammed in and right foot is on a smear. pull up/stand up and bump left hand up on the arete. move right hand up and to the right to a small-ish edge. position feet and bump right hand up to good incut hold. position feet again and shoot left hand to the top. pull up, mantle, and top out.


if you are walking towards baldy from the south, this would be off to the east, south of half dome, before getting to the strongbad boulder and lillipad boulder.


1 pad will do. great warmup problem. i wanted to put in something that will make the area accessible to everyone since there seems to be nothing less than V3/V4ish

Routes in Ticks Boulder

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    I Hate Ticks